
I’m old enough to remember the first Earth Day, when I went to a fair at my local high school and learned about so much that was then new to me. It was the first time I tried seaweed as a food, something that was completely unheard of then (eww!). People didn’t talk about being “Green,” it was all about “Ecology.”
Coincidentally, I just made a lifestyle change that significantly lessens my impact on the planet. When I first thought about this as a possibility, it was much stranger than seaweed was to me as a teen. This post may not be for everyone; it may offend some. I’m dedicating it to those brave souls who have gone before me.
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I have been eagerly awaiting the blooming of this exquisite foxglove. I got it from my favorite roadside herb stand on the Bohemian Highway, and had no idea what color it would be. This is one of those plants that you can almost watch grow. In its second season when it blooms, it transforms itself daily. Watch it grow from its nascent whorl of leaves to exquisite early flower. continue reading »

Mountain Rose Herbs is having a pretty great giveaway. They have an interview with one of my favorite herbalists, Kathi Keville, and they’re giving away a copy of her book Aromatherapy: A Complete Guide to the Healing Art along with a Classic Essential Oil Kit. WOW. continue reading »