
This is my first foray into Gardening Gone Wild’s Picture This Contest. The subject of the contest for May is light in the macro or close-up world. I shot a few pics yesterday, and I’m having a hard time choosing which one to enter. continue reading »

The foxglove that was just starting to bloom last month has been blooming like crazy and sprouted numerous little baby spires. These are just some of them. It’s impossible to get the whole damn thing in a photo! Here is the big spire, along with the other May blooms.
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I’ve just had a flurry of herbal tonic making, and it feels so GOOD! Pictured from left to right are a beginning batch of nettle infusion, beginning jar of Susun Weed’s Old Sourpuss mixture, an already set and strained nettle infusion (nothing else has that color), beginning infusion of fresh oat tops, and some motherwort tincture that I took out of the cupboard. continue reading »