Category Flowers

Wordless Wednesday 3


Getting Back to the Garden 2


It’s the longest day of the year, and, uncharacteristically HOT for San Francisco. I wake up, and go into the garden, because I must, or all that riotous growth will die without some attention. I feel like I’m going through the motions, still riding the waves of grief, but it’s comforting to prop up a sunflower or harvest some zucchini, the garden has been forgiving in my absence.  continue reading »

Light – A Closer Look 7


This is my first foray into Gardening Gone Wild’s Picture This Contest. The subject of the contest for May is light in the macro or close-up world. I shot a few pics yesterday, and I’m having a hard time choosing which one to enter. continue reading »

Garden Bloggers Bloom Day May 2011 2


The foxglove that was just starting to bloom last month has been blooming like crazy and sprouted numerous little baby spires. These are just some of them. It’s impossible to get the whole damn thing in a photo!  Here is the big spire, along with the other May blooms.

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Wordless Wildflower Wednesday 4


Wordless Wednesdays Numero Uno 12


Garden Bloom Day April: Fabulous Foxglove 2


I have been eagerly awaiting the blooming of this exquisite foxglove. I got it from my favorite roadside herb stand on the Bohemian Highway, and had no idea what color it would be. This is one of those plants that you can almost watch grow. In its second season when it blooms, it transforms itself daily. Watch it grow from its nascent whorl of leaves to exquisite early flower. continue reading »

Garden Bloom Day 2


Another Garden Blogger’s Bloom Day rolls around and, once again, I am caught napping, so I’m going to post mostly just photos for March. It’s exciting to see the ground waking up elsewhere around the country, and bulbs start to poke out of the ground.

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Garden Bloom Day 6


What the heck! I was expecting Garden Bloom Day to come tomorrow, but it looks like it’s on the 15th this month. So here’s just a quick look  at what’s blooming in my garden this February. continue reading »

Garden Bloom Day 7


Here’s my monthly effort for Garden Bloggers Bloom Day, brought to you by May Dreams Gardens.  Just got back inside with the camera, going to add my post to the plethora that’s already there.

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