
When I was young, living in New York, my mom would always bring home daffodils for our birthdays. My sister and my birthdays are one week apart, in late March, around what we used to call “the first day of spring.” This year, in San Francisco, spring is busting out early all over the city.
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While I do miss the autumn leaves that I grew up with on the east coast and the feeling of distinct seasons, there’s a lot of color popping in my garden. continue reading »

The weather has changed drastically this week. It was in the 90s during the week, started cooling down on Friday afternoon, and by Saturday, it was autumn. The sky was grey and it was cold and damp. The change was a little unsettling, going from that expansive summer feeling to that poignancy that comes with this season. continue reading »

For me, Autumn is the season of hunkering down. It’s always a busy time at work, implementing large changes to the website I work on for the new season, and trying to take care of my body and the garden at the same time.
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It’s really close to the solstice, and I’m experiencing a familiar feeling — too many possibilities. This is a time for me when work slows down and I try to focus on personal projects, as well as exploring new technologies and just learning.
When I go out into the garden, there’s so much to do, everywhere I look something needs attention. Instead of getting overwhelmed, I need to learn how to feel content with just doing a little bit at a time, instead of doing it all perfectly. continue reading »