Tag bees

Garden Blogger’s Bloom Day — Drying Out 5


Though the garden is pretty dry right now, there are still some good blooms. One big surprise this month was the fuschia, pictured above. This was here when I moved in around 15 years ago, but I haven’t seen it in quite a few years. Once the coyote brush tree was felled, it came back, I really didn’t expect to see it again. It’s growing underneath the cecile brunner rosebush, which is coming back with a vengeance.  continue reading »

Wordless Wildflower Wednesday 4


Intro to Urban Beekeeping 2


Today I took a class at the Garden for the Environment called Introduction to Urban Beekeeping. This class is part of a series, and for those of you who are in San Francisco and are interested, I recommend checking out the remaining classes. It was taught by Paul Koski of the San Francisco Beekeeper’s Association, a knowledgeable and engaging teacher. I’ve been around bees and hives, but wanted to take this series to see if I felt comfortable starting a hive in my backyard.  continue reading »

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