
Thanks to the fact that we have some irrigation this year, the August garden is one that’s so close to full bloom, but not quite there yet. I’m most excited about the dahlias, this one is just about ready to flower. continue reading »

The foxglove that was just starting to bloom last month has been blooming like crazy and sprouted numerous little baby spires. These are just some of them. It’s impossible to get the whole damn thing in a photo! Here is the big spire, along with the other May blooms.
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I have been eagerly awaiting the blooming of this exquisite foxglove. I got it from my favorite roadside herb stand on the Bohemian Highway, and had no idea what color it would be. This is one of those plants that you can almost watch grow. In its second season when it blooms, it transforms itself daily. Watch it grow from its nascent whorl of leaves to exquisite early flower. continue reading »

A series of winter storms has left us with complete and utter chaos in the garden. It is almost unrecognizable. I feel raw, exposed, and more than a little overwhelmed by the tasks ahead. continue reading »

While I do miss the autumn leaves that I grew up with on the east coast and the feeling of distinct seasons, there’s a lot of color popping in my garden. continue reading »